Discovering Kargah Buddha: Unveiling Majestic mountains of Gilgit-Baltistan, Kargha valley

Kargah Buddha
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Kargah buddah Gilgit-Baltistan has more than 50,000 Kargha Budhha rock carvings, inscriptions, and engravings,indicating that Buddhists were present in these areas during the late Stone Age. Unfortunately,vandalism and ignorance have already caused damage or defacement to a number of the rockengravings.

Kargah buddah

The postcard's rock engraving is referred to as " Kargah Buddha." The engraving was carved in the 7th century A.D. near Kargah Nallah (10 km from Gilgit Town). In the 1930s, a Buddhist monastery, threestupas, and Gilgit manuscripts—some of the world's oldest manuscripts—were also discovered nearby. According to some, the Buddha image was carved into the rock as a token of respect for Lord Buddha.

In addition, there is a local legend associated with this carving. A long time ago, the people of Kargahasked a passing saint for help in getting rid of an ogre named Yakhshini. The saint was successful insecuring her to the rock and declared that she would not bother them as long as he was alive; however, she would never be free if they buried him at the base of the rock. Therefore, the saint was killed by thevillagers and buried beneath the rock.


One of the most significant symbols of the ancient Buddhist era is the Kargah Buddha, also known as Yaeni in the Shina language of the area. Every year, a lot of domestic and international tourists visit Kargah to see the Buddha statues from the third and fourth centuries, which help the local economy.

Kargah Buddha statue

Buddha statue is  carved on a mountain close to Gilgit city in the Kargah Valley, is an important reminder of the Buddhist era. The Budha sculpture is thought to have been made in the third or fourth century A.D. Numerous other similar symbols are scattered throughout various valleys, including Skardu and Diamer. According to the local legend, Yakhshini, a man who lived in Kargha and ate ogres, was the Buddha. The town offers a number of well-known short excursions, but a trip to Kargah Buddha is one-of-a-kind and

The famous Kargah Buddha requires the authorities' attention for preservation and protection. As a significant representation of our shared human heritage, the sculpture should remain in its original condition for future generations. In a monastery in the seventh century, the Buddha was carved.

History of  Kargha Buddha statue

The Buddha statue was made in the seventh century. It was found in 1938-1939, along with three stupas and a monastery about 400 meters upriver from the Buddha. This allowed for the invention of what were thought to be Gilgit manuscripts in 1931. Near Kargah Nallah, approximately 10 kilometers from GilgitTown in Gilgit, Pakistan, is the Kargah Buddha. Gilgit-Baltistan is a mountainous region with a rich cultural and historical history. Its capital and administrative center is Gilgit. Gilgit has been a major trading center for centuries thanks to its strategic location at the intersection of the ancient Silk Route. Gilgit is one of several routes that make up the.

1. The Kargha Buddha : A Serene Haven

Nestled amidst the majestic mountains of Gilgit-Baltistan in Pakistan lies a hidden gem that encapsulates the region’s natural beauty and cultural significance—the Kargha Valley and Buddha. This enchanting valley, with its serene landscapes, glistening lakes, and the awe-inspiring Buddha carvings, offers a glimpse into the rich history and tranquility of this remote corner of the world. In this blog post, we embark on a journey to explore the captivating allure of the Kargha Valley and the profound presence of Buddha, unraveling the stories and marvels that make this destination truly remarkable.

2. The Kargha Valley: A Serene Haven

The Kargha Valley, situated in the Gilgit District of Gilgit-Baltistan, is a haven of tranquility and natural beauty. Surrounded by towering mountains, verdant meadows, and crystal-clear lakes, the valley provides a respite from the chaos of urban life. Immerse yourself in the tranquility of the surroundings, breathe in the fresh mountain air, and marvel at the breathtaking vistas that greet you at every turn. The Kargha Valley offers opportunities for hiking, camping, and simply reconnecting with nature.

3.Lake Kargha: Mirror of Serenity

At the heart of the Kargha Valley lies Lake Kargha, a pristine body of water that mirrors the surrounding mountains and sky. Encircled by lush greenery, the lake exudes a sense of calm and serenity. Take a boat ride across the tranquil waters, soak in the picturesque views, and relish the peace that envelops the surroundings. Lake Kargha is a paradise for nature lovers and photographers, offering a captivating blend of natural beauty and tranquility.

4.The Enigmatic Buddha Carvings

Perched high on a cliff overlooking the Kargha Valley, the Buddha carvings stand as silent witnesses to a bygone era. These ancient rock carvings, believed to date back to the 7th century, depict images of Buddha and various Buddhist motifs. The carvings are a testament to the rich Buddhist heritage that once thrived in this region. As you gaze upon these intricate carvings, let your imagination wander to a time when Buddhism flourished in these remote mountains.

5.Cultural Significance and Preservation

Cultural Significance and Preservation: The Buddha carvings hold immense cultural and historical significance. They offer insight into the religious and artistic practices of the ancient inhabitants of this region. While the exact origins and purpose of the carvings remain shrouded in mystery, they serve as a reminder of the diverse cultural heritage that has shaped the landscape of Gilgit-Baltistan. Efforts are being made to preserve and protect these precious relics, ensuring that future generations can appreciate their historical value.

Immersing in Local Life

A visit to the Kargha Valley provides an opportunity to immerse yourself in the warmth and hospitality of the local people. Interact with the residents of nearby villages, learn about their traditional customs and way of life, and savor the flavors of authentic local cuisine. Engaging with the locals will deepen your understanding of the cultural richness that permeates the region.


The Kargha Valley and Buddha in Gilgit-Baltistan are a testament to the enchanting beauty and profound history that define this remote corner of Pakistan. Explore the serene landscapes of the valley, marvel at the Buddha carvings that bear witness to the region’s cultural heritage, and immerse yourself in the tranquility that permeates the surroundings. The Kargha Valley and Buddha offer a soul-stirring experience, allowing you to connect with nature, embrace history, and appreciate the profound beauty of this hidden gem in Gilgit-Baltistan.

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